The Rhythm Method 3.0 is a duo experimenting with a blend of western blues, rock and funk combined with African melodies and rhythmic improvisation.
The Rhythm Method 3.0 are:
Djidé “Mont-Kamerun” Koffa is a native of Cameroon, a country in Central Africa, that is also called Africa in miniature because Africa in terms of its beautiful landscapes and people is represented here. Born from the meeting between the deep forest and the Sahel, her music is the epic mixture of sounds as deep as the heart of the ocean and as dry as the sandy path of the desert. A Hausa and Ekang ambassador and a daughter of two kingdoms in Cameroon, she knows she represents much more than herself when she channels the ancestors and delivers their plea for a better world. Djidé stands for peace and unity among humans in any part of the world.
Joshua Marks is a local Santa Cruz bass player, guitarist, composer and producer who became interested in live looping through the loopfest over the years. His background is in rock, funk, blues and jazz and more recently industrial and electronica. Joshua melds all theses influences into a unique blend that can go in almost any directions as he explores real time composition using the Logelloop 5 software, a guitar, some drum pads and a midi controller in harmony with his vocal partner.
The Rhythm Method post live jams and songs regularly on their loop of the week youtube channel
And released a solo concept album called “Machines Learn to Love” available on all the streaming services: